Thankful Thinking

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Office

Thanksgiving is only one week away!

The holiday season is upon us. Stores are fully stocked for Christmas. Are you ready?

I’m not sure if I am.

Next week will be a vacation week for me. My plans are for tons of baking, working on a NaNo project that I have abandoned. (I have a substitute file I started a week into NaNo. I may wind up going on to that story instead. It has a plot while the other one has nothing at all.)

Oh, and then there are some books I need to read too.

Black Friday sales?

I’m not sure if I will be brave enough to venture out into the mob this year. I may wait a day or two. Or maybe, I will hit the store before Thanksgiving.

What will you be doing Thanksgiving week?

Lots of Baking?


Or will you be doing a week long marathon to try and catch up with your NaNo WriMo project?

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Fantasy Romance Writer - Knitter - Quilter - Crocheter - Pet Lover - Gardener - Mom/Grandma